A quick list of ideas can be great for inspiration, so here’s 20 types YouTube video you can create.

Nothing too deep, but a useful list to run through to see if anything resonates. Often it’s the inspiration that’s holding us back. The key is looking for something that sounds both fun and achievable. Don’t let perfection get in the way of progress. You might want to shoot something award-winning, but let’s face it, that’s not where you’re going to start. Something quick, shot on your phone is going to move the needle far more.

Video is a huge engagement opportunity and one I noticed is missing from the list is the ‘deeper dive’ video.

Let’s tie this back to your book. We often talk about the follow up opportunities you have after someone opts in. Those first 5-10 days are the best time to engage people who are ready to get started now, and amplifying the message in your book with a series of emails is the best way to do this. Video as part of the sequence is a great way to mix-up the way you’re talking to people.

Authentic is better than over-produced. Your phone, the best light you can find (outside in the daylight if necessary), and doing whatever you can to make the audio clear, is all you need.

Rather than thinking about creating some completely new, pick the most challenging concept in your book, or the one you always get questions about, and shoot a short, informative video to send during the follow up sequence…

‘Hey, it’s Stuart. I saw you downloaded a copy of The 90-Minute Book a few days ago and I wanted to grab my phone and shoot this quick video for you. I just got asked the same question by two people this morning. It’s not the first time, so I figured you might be thinking the same ;) The question… How big does my book need to be? The answer… It doesn’t matter!

It’s not about a page count. This isn’t a book deal where you’re being paid to entertain people. This is about identifying people who potentially want to work with you and starting that conversation.

We’ve worked with people like Don Barden who has multiple 150 page books, and people like Bill Bloom, who’s latest book is 30 pages. The important thing for both of them, and the thing that makes them successful, is that the content is the perfect length to answer the question their audience is asking. It starts the conversation and identifies a potential customer.

Being daunted by the task of hitting a page count is one of the key reasons people never get their book out there but there are more… If you haven’t yet, head over to BookBlueprintScore.com and see how the 8 Book Blueprint mindsets are growing or slowing your book.’

Writing this post made me realize we hadn’t included video in our follow up. The actual video goes a little deeper than just the script above, but you get the point. Amplifying one of the key points of your book, in a way that adds value and gives those ready to take action today, is the best path to the next step.

Full Story: 20 Types of YouTube Videos You Can Use to Promote Your Business