No matter your business, your book aims to start a conversation with a potential customer. Your emails are the best way to develop relationships while allowing people to move to the next stage. To take that minimum viable commitment step toward doing business with you.

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The super signature aims to give people options to progress the conversation or to give them a better understanding of your service.

Let us put it into perspective.

The book aims to identify those invisible prospects to get the conversation going. And then the purpose in the follow-on sequence is to get someone into the conversation and actually get them on the phone because at the end of the day, in everything that we talk about, we’re not talking about some huge scale thing where we’re looking at attracting millions of people and then having follow-up sequences there or automated.

After all, you can’t deal with the volumes. Realistically, we’re talking about engaging thousands of people, particularly if you’re talking about a local business where you’re looking at people within a specific geographic area.

We’re engaging thousands of people because that’s realistically the size of the pool you’re fishing in. Of those, the low hundreds might be ready to even think about a conversation. The rest of them just either were not interested, to begin with, or they were just not ready at this moment.

And then, of those low hundreds that might engage with some further emails, we’re really talking about the low tens of people who, at this moment, are just ready to have the conversation.

If from those low tens you’re able to convert a small handful of those into customers, but you’re able to that month in and month out, then that, for the majority of people, is a nice, sustainable business because we’re not talking about high-volume business.

We’re talking about real business in real times or real coaches online, where the numbers don’t have to be huge because it’s that more ongoing kind of value relationship with people.

So the super signature is the thing that in each email gives people the opportunity to self-identify and take their understanding, take their journey further by offering another thing.

the whole concept hinges on building email leads, and you send people one communication in the process. So, take a book, for example. Someone opts in for a copy of your book. You send it to them and then never do anything else.

The hope is that they were moved enough to take action. But the reality is that’s not how most people operate because even the ones who are pretty engaged, it’s only the hottest that are going to act now. Even those engaged might forget about it because two days go by, and something else happens.

Where not to put a super signature.

we don’t recommend putting super signatures in what we call SPEAR emails. these are emails that are short, personal and expectant of an answer. we don’t put the signature in these types of emails because they are a different type of personal. while the broadcast emails also sound personal, the perception is different.

In Summary,

Including the super signature in your emails gives prospective clients the ever-present chance to opt into your service. The information will be at their fingertips when they are ready to do so.