Yvonne is a healthcare professional and life coach helping people for over 35 years. She grew up in a healthcare family and worked clinically before entering administration and consulting. In her 40s, Yvonne experienced various life events that impacted her health, psyche, and spirit, including a difficult marriage, becoming a mother to four children, and a major fire. She found herself stuck, feeling deep despair and seeking support and help from others.

The Awakening

Yvonne had an awakening moment, leading her journey to awakening to the inner woman and who God designed her to be. She started helping others with her as a health and life coach and has helped hundreds, if not thousands, of women.

Yvonne shares her story of overcoming pain, emotional turmoil, and a toxic marriage. She talks about the importance of having resources, faith, and a positive attitude to move forward. Yvonne recalls a turning point in her journey when a colleague reminded her that she is the author of her own story.

This realization empowered her to rewrite her story and create a new path for herself and her daughters. Yvonne feels called to serve others as a health and life coach, helping them to take baby steps toward physical, mental, emotional, relational, and spiritual health. She hopes her book will inspire others to have faith and make positive changes in their lives. Yvonne’s brand story is one of resilience, empowerment, and service, rooted in her faith and personal experiences.

The Susans

Yvonne credits two women named Susan for helping her turn her dream into reality. One Susan, who works for the organization, gave her assignments and held her accountable to finish her book. The other Susan, her friend and colleague, provided emotional support and partnership. Yvonne emphasizes the importance of having life partners, whether for achieving a dream, improving health, or thriving in various aspects of life. She highlights the importance of taking action and not settling for a life of disease and despair. Yvonne’s story also emphasizes balancing scientific knowledge and emotional intelligence. She believes we all have hopes and dreams that require our heads and hearts. Yvonne hopes that her book will change lives, and she is grateful for the support of the two Susans in making it a reality.

In Summary

Yvonne has a Facebook business page, a personal profile, and a LinkedIn account to connect with people. She has created a website to reach a wider audience and offer her book to those who need it. Yvonne also wants to hold a women’s retreat. She plans to host webinars monthly and offers one-on-one coaching sessions as a life and health coach. Yvonne encourages people to raise their hands and ask for help, as there may be others who can also offer assistance. Yvonne aims to empower women to be their best selves and serve others while modeling it for their loved ones.

The full podcast episode can be accessed here.