I’m a huge fan of mind maps, and this article runs through a few examples of how you can best use them in your business.

Let me add a couple of things… iThoughsHD is my tool of choice. It’s actively developed, has good cross platform sync (at least from iOS to Mac) and I love the keyboard shortcuts for siblings & child nodes. You can really knock out a lot of content without your fingers leaving the keyboard.

In addition to the benefits of mind mapping in general, they are also a great tool for outlining your book… Chapters and individual points can easily be grouped or moved, thoughts can be linked together across nodes, and the visual layout gives you a good indication of the amount of content you have for each chapter (which are light & which are heavy)

One final benefit is the opportunity to use your mind map as additional content in your follow up funnel. They are great visual assets to share with people. You can send the image, walkthrough them in a video, or convert them to a more traditional outline & send a checklist of stages.

Remembering the real opportunity is in the long-tail of following up with people, the more assets you have, the more opportunities you have to be in front of someone when they are ready.

Full Story: What is a Mind Map and Can It Help You Organize Your Small Business?