The 6th factor in the book Blueprint Scorecard is called Value-driven content.

In previous blog posts and podcast episodes, the importance of the content has always been sold as the least important part of the process. it should be noted this is all comparative to the rest of the process and not an indication of the content’s intrinsic value.

With the books we primarily deal with, the book is not the product; the product is either you or the service mentioned in the book. you won’t be an author in the traditional sense, where your book is the product itself. this is why we say the content is the least important aspect of the process.

The purpose of the content is to deliver the most comprehensive answer to the question posed or statement made in the title. the content is the beginning of the conversation you wish to have with your prospective client. this means that the content needs to compel them to move from the front cover to the back cover.

Our clients often struggle to grasp that volume does not necessarily equate to value. our aim here is to provide just enough information so that the prospective client can reach out with the intent of finding out more.

However, there are cases when having a big book is valuable. If the way you’re using it requires you to be able to walk in and drop a heavy book on the table, causing a thud and all of the baggage that comes with that. If you add up the extra time, money, and overhead, and find it all worthwhile, go ahead and do it.

The most effective book size will differ from person to person. So, even if you feel compelled to take the traditional big-book approach, use the Book Blueprint Scorecard to validate each step. It’s just that those steps will be on a different level than what we typically discuss in the model that gets out first and is more cost-effective. So, if you’re looking to sell a book, the book is the product. Obviously, the value of the value-driven content needs to be significantly higher because people expect a book to deliver a certain amount when they buy it.

When it comes to obtaining people to raise their hand to answer one specific question as detailed as possible, then being as detailed as possible but no more detailed is the best way to think about it.

In Summary

When curating the content in your book, always keep this central thought in the back of your mind,” is this addressing the question posed by the title”. Click here to access the podcast that this post stems from.