A sales funnel is the term used by marketers that describes the process which customers go through before a purchase. On episode 4 of the Book More Show, Susan and Stuart sat down and discussed where the 90 Minute book fits in the sales funnel, including highlighting the benefits and challenges of leading readers toward the next step of that sales funnel. If you want to listen to the entire podcast episode, click here.

Buffer Zones

A website landing page needs adequate space between a page’s sales copy and the subsequent call to action. otherwise,  The sales pitch will not land well, with no buffer zone between the two. There are situations where the sales funnel can be one page from start to finish. This usually works if you have a very engaged audience. 

This is where the 90-minute book enters the conversation. The lead generation tool will act as the buffer zone between the sales copy and the closing pitch. You can then sift through these leads into potential customers and begin to educate them. If you do not have an established audience, the book will be the icebreaker, an easy noncommittal way of raising a hand as being interested in your product or service.

This is how it will work; you create a 90-minute book targeted to your preferred audience. You identify the most frequently asked questions, categorize them and record the book answering them. Because you now have a specific audience with questions you know they are asking, you are positioning yourself as the expert in that field by providing answers to those questions.

You are immediately starting off the relationship by giving them something of value. There is no greater tool than the book for identifying invisible prospects and starting a conversation with them in the best possible way. 

Some businesses or individuals fear the risk of revealing all their trade secrets in the book; others feel the book will not provide enough important information. The aim is neither of the above. The book aims to answer the more surface-level inquiries that are encountered on a day-to-day basis.

It is easy for people in the business to forget how valuable basic questions are for people wholly unfamiliar with their service. A loose definition of marketing is to get someone emotionally engaged in an outcome that is only going to benefit them at a later date. At that later date will be the real sales pitch.

So just so we are together, the 90-minute book will sit at the top of the sales funnel. Helping us identify invisible prospects by allowing someone to request an interesting book. Below will be several different stages leading to the final sales pitch.

A great example of this is if you go and take a look at the main page of the 90-minute site. Thousands of people have raised their hands and said they’re interested in writing the book. Thousands haven’t written their book yet, but it is a valuable database of individuals interested in the service. Over time, engaging with them further by adding them to an email list and providing them with helpful information is possible.

In a nutshell,

A 90-minute book is a lead-generation tool that sits atop the sales funnel. Its main purpose is an icebreaker to drive the conversation to the next stage of the conversion process. It is neither extremely aggressive nor passive in its format; it is a great introduction to whatever topics it covers. If you wish to find out more about getting your own book done today, contact us here