In this Podcast episode, Dean and Stuart have a riveting discussion about bridging topics, outlining your content, and producing a book that your audience can engage with. the full podcast episode and transcript are available here.

The main takeaway from their conversation was this:

Sometimes your book does not need to speak directly about your business or overtly describe what service you provide; I know, I know, your next question will be, ‘then why am I wasting my time writing the book then?’

There are times when there is a gap or complete lack of knowledge between you and your potential customers. In this situation, you need to build a bridge. Using the book to bridge the gap so that we all land on the same page(pun intended)

The job of the book is to help you identify the invisible leads by giving people a reason to raise their hands. Once you understand that the book is meant to spark conversation and engage with your audience, you will have a much easier time accepting this point.

Remember, the book is not a sales brochure but a lead-generation tool.

If you are interested in beginning your book journey, you can contact us here at