Julia started her career as a financial advisor in a bank almost 20 years ago and has been in the industry ever since. She now owns Financial Freedom Wealth Management Group and has grown it to a staff of 12. Her role has changed to running the company and doing more tasks at that level, and she wants to make a greater impact. She is a true entrepreneur and loves building the business, coaching and inspiring people to make better decisions and using money as a tool. Stuart has a similar background in financial services and has worked in the industry for years.
The language used in financial circles is exclusionary due to the consequences of using certain words incorrectly. Julia’s book aims to demystify the subject and help people make the right decisions for their financial life. She will also weave her passion for health and fitness into the book, allowing readers to take steps to get their financial life in shape and play on the fit money.
Julia is writing a book for Generation X and millennials, who are busy and have young children. She wants it to be simple and convenient for the steps to be implemented, so it doesn’t take a lot of time. The goal is not a 700-page book, but a handbook to walk people through the process and get them to where they can start investing for their future.

Julia dreams of creating an online course or academy aligned with the book’s seven steps and running it in seven weeks. The goal is to guide people onto Julia’s platform for investing, such as a digital platform, where they are getting a financial coach as part of the investing process.
Julia emphasizes treating everyone like a gold star prospect until they demonstrate they are not. Julia also emphasizes the importance of not ignoring those who aren’t immediately gold star prospects, as electronic program delivery or content can be fed to people in a way that doesn’t mean they have to do it individually.
Getting the book out there
The aim is to get the first version of the book based on the outline and interview recording, then transcribe it and coach people to bring their A-game to the call.
In conclusion
By taking action, identifying strengths and passions, and developing a clear vision and plan, entrepreneurs can overcome obstacles and build successful businesses. Additionally, by building a supportive network of mentors and advisors, entrepreneurs can receive guidance and support as they navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship.
head over to the podcast to hear us speak with Julia in depth.