So… the book has been published, you have distributed it to your email list and marketed it online and on various social media platforms, follow-up questions and leads are steadily trickling in, and you are probably wondering what is next.

One way to go is the podcast route.

Podcasts are a viable way to continue the momentum you’ve got going with your book release.

What are the usual markers of a successful podcast? 

Number one is passion, and you have spades of it. I mean, you did write a whole book on a topic you are passionate about, right? The material is already there; all you need is a nudge in the right direction, which we will discuss today.

Define your Niche:

There are countless podcasts out there today; anyone with a microphone and a YouTube subscription is calling themselves a podcaster. Our intention is not to turn you into a podcaster. We are simply using the podcast format to get you to your intended destination: draw in an audience and generate additional leads for your business.

Content Plan:

Figure out how long you want the podcast to be. One way to approach this is to take the chapters in your book and turn them into separate episodes. So If you have eight chapters in your book, turn the podcast into a limited-edition endeavor. Expand on certain points in the book, have guests in your particular industry, and answer questions you have gotten about certain topics in that particular chapter.

Consider your Distribution:

Where does your target typically congregate? If you already know this, then you can skip the arduous activity of posting on all major platforms. If not, you will just have to cast a wide net.

How were you distributing the book? Some of those platforms might also be compatible with the podcast format.


Finding the right frequency is key to keeping the buzz going. Once you have nailed down your content for each episode, I suggest releasing an episode weekly. If you have a busy schedule, you might want to consider putting a day aside and recording all the episodes in one go. This allows you to schedule your posts at your leisure. Some people have difficulty finding time in their schedules repeatedly.


You probably saw ‘podcast’ and scoffed, but you stuck it through and finished reading this. And you probably have different thoughts now. What’s next now that you have read all this? 

Book a call with us today, and we will help you get your podcast off the ground. I look forward to hearing from you.