Sam Altawil is the author of On the Edge of Effectiveness, a book dedicated to helping individuals and organizations maximize their HR capabilities. this book doesn’t have any specific commercial goals or intent. Having no specific product or service to promote, His goal has been to share his accumulated knowledge to help people avoid some of the mistakes he has made over the years.
With over 2 and a half decades of job experience in HR, he is well-equipped to provide insight into all things HR and leadership.
He cites one of the reasons for writing the book: ”I’ve seen certain things that actually work for organizations, and I’ve seen things that just fail. For some reason or other, they have a lot of smart people and have done great work, but as the department took over, it seems like something is failing. It seemed like something always just not going the right way. I often nod at those things, I’d make notes of it throughout the years, and so on, and finally got the chance to put it together in a book.”
The book condenses his thoughts into the book with all this in mind.
The first version of the book focuses mainly on the fundamentals. laying solid foundation and groundwork, as Sam has noticed that in organizations, 9 out of 10 times, reasons for inefficiencies and the like are due to flaws in the fundamentals.

Handling feedback
The biggest thing that I want the reader to walk away is that, whether you’re a person who’s in the field or a person outside of the field, is to understand really what this is about and get a clear vision on this. Because how did that reflect in your life, and how does that work in your life?
For example, I touched upon this and I used Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as the five needs necessary that people really want, they kind of look for into their lives, and that applies to the workplace. A lot of people that read the book, say, “I never even knew about that. Never knew how the evolution happened.”When they walked into their job, now they have different expectations.
When writing this book, Sam remembered the people coming up in the field. He wanted them to come up in the field in a powerful way, as they are missing the people aspect of HR. He has received reviews from people coming up in the field, and he hopes that more people will read it. He also hopes that people on higher levels, CEOs, CFOs, and anyone on the executive team, operational, will see it as well, as it will give them expectations and clear expectations. When simplified things for them differently, they can participate more and have great ideas.
The most important details in this text are that an employee appreciation committee was implemented by the CEO and that the general public should read it to understand the foundation for all of this. This will help employees understand why they do what they do and what they should expect. Additionally, employers should want employee feedback, as they care about their organizations and want to retain great employees. Finally, employers should be able to identify things employees are unhappy with and communicate that with their employer and everyone else.
Sam Altawil is the author of a book available for people to get a copy of. He has promoted the book on other channels, such as Voice America, Amazon ads, and social media. He has also been doing this podcast, helping as much as he can. He has tried to do Amazon ads and social media, but they have limitations. He is also doing this podcast, helping as much as he can, and is always there to have a conversation about it.
In Summary
Sam says ‘’On the Edge of Effectiveness’’, is an attempt to educate people on how to be more effective in their work. It is titled “On the Edge of Effectiveness” because many organizations are not on the edge of being effective and fail. Altawil’s work is different, and wants it to have a voice in the HR world. He has been on the front lines of HR for 25 years and has seen what’s going on in different industries and cultures, so he is not bringing these ideas from an academic standpoint but from a practical standpoint.
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