Dean is in Sydney at the moment finishing up the latest Breakthrough Blueprint event. The conversation turned to book titles.

The most important thing about having a book is that you have a title where upon reading it, the person you want to be in conversation with says ‘I want that book’

Dean Jackson reporting live. Day two of the Breakthrough Blueprint here in Manly Australia.

I have a question. One of the things that comes up when we talk about the ‘before unit’ is using books as a lead generator in Profit Activator 2. I’ve never seen anything that gets as high opt-in rates as a book. One of the things we’re talking about today is killer book titles.

The most important thing about having a book in Profit Activator 2 is that you have a title where upon reading it, the person you want to be in conversation with says ‘I want that book’. The truth is that it doesn’t have to be a big book as just having that compelling title is 90% of the value of using a book as a lead generator.

So we’ve been talking here about really great book titles that convey a message that somebody definitely is going to want. It’s almost as if just having the right title, makes people feel like having possession of the book gets them closer to having the thing the book promises.

I always use examples like ‘Think and Grow Rich’ or ‘The Four Hour Work Week’ as a great book title. You think about ones like ‘Financial Peace’, Dave Ramsey book. Imagine somebody who’s in financial turmoil and they see a book titled ‘Financial Peace’, just grabbing that book and holding it in their hand is going to change the way they feel and the stress have about that situation.

I want to hear in the comments the best book titles that you can think of. The best book titles that convey those benefits that having it is like a telegraph to what you’re actually going to get.